Keep Bumpin’ Along

Happy Mother’s Day!

Man, those 9 months went by fast and Brayden E. Hairlson was born the day after Mother’s Day. Someone told me he was my Mother’s Day baby! This is my 2nd Mother’s Day without my mom. She would be so happy to see my sister has given birth to her first child and now, here come’s my 2nd child. Our immediate family has stayed closed even after her transition, and I know she would be proud of the way we have handled the many difficulties life has thrown our way: especially dealing with a pandemic, being full time entrepreneurs, experiencing political divides in our extended family, and even personal attacks from people she once helped while she was living. It’s definitely been a ride.

These are my top 5 business tips to keep you bumping along in May:

  1. Build a strong support system of people who get you. Don’t get it twisted, I love and am very close to my dad, brother, sister and their families, but sometimes friends, the family you create in business, and even church family are more supportive, loving, and kind than actual people who may share your blood. Jesus even said, who are my brothers and sisters except that who do the work of the Lord.

  2. Don’t let your today define your future. It took 9 months to bake this baby. What if I had given up at month 3, the baby would have been aborted. The same goes for your dreams. Don’t abort your baby!

  3. It’s great to plan and prepare, but unless God builds the house, it’s done in vain. God knows everything, save yourself the headache and go to him first!

  4. There will be bumps along the way, but just keep on bumping. In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world!

  5. If your mother is still living, love on her, thank her, and be grateful for what she did do. You probably got your business savviness from her!


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New Beginnings: Get Some Systems for Your Business & Spring Into Action