A Whole New World
When I tell you that being exposed to new cultures with a Christ infusion was the boost that I needed. Yes, we left the children in Indiana with Paul’s parents for a once in a lifetime experience. Did I struggle with mommy guilt at first? Yes! Did I quickly get over it, when I understood that I NEEDED to be away to be recharged? YES! I literally was doing the most! Working the dance studio, teaching dance in prison, I mean at a middle school LOL, and coaching dance at a high school. I was drained and felt like I was constantly on a hamster wheel.
So many people ask, “What exactly did you do in South Africa for 1 month?” If I could explain the experience, I would say that we served as advisors to 10 teams of 12 entrepreneurs on each team from 5 countries throughout Africa- Ghana, Botswana, Eswatini, Zimbabwe, and South Africa. Even though we were the American advisors, I learned so much from my team- The Trailblazers! All 12 of my members were millennials, ages 21-35 years old, who were running successful businesses and left everything they knew to pursue this promising experience- The Village Boardroom Experience.
They had to come together to provide real world solutions to businesses over the month that we were there, similar to our version of the Apprentice. They had a weekly boardroom sitting, where they were grilled on their solutions, from a group of highly esteemed celebrity adjudicators and business professionals with years of experience spanning across several industries. Not only did they have to come together as a team, but they were taught Biblical principles and the importance of infusing Christ in business to eradicate poverty across the continent of Africa.
To be immersed in this environment for a month, my faith grew, my mindset shifted, and my relationship with Jesus was deeply impacted with the desire to seek him even more. Check back later this week to hear how my team was disqualified and how I struggled coming back home.
Is My Believing Working?
We were in South Africa for over 1 month. Hear how it happened!
I was like, “Really?!” The lady done called and told you that you can go on an ALL-EXPENSE PAID trip to South Africa for 1 month, and you’re being a good and faithful entrepreneur, putting your clients first?! So, I again gave it to God, and asked if he could fly out of Detroit, while I fly out of Chicago and we will meet in South Africa, 26 hours later. I knew this had to be God, because that wasn’t an issue and Melissa said of course!
Paul’s parents agreed to help with the children, with my family willing to step in to assist as well. So, with the power of agreement, we prepared to head to the Motherland. The only thing was, I get to the airport for what I thought was my 1pm flight, and realized it was actually 1am the day before. So, I had missed my flight and it was my fault for not knowing the time was in military time. Paul arrives to Detroit to board his flight and ended up having the wrong Covid test and could not board his flight. The time it took to receive his test results, he would have missed his flight. WIth international flights, they only come like twice a day.
Paul ended up driving from Detroit to Chicago to board the 7pm flight, and by the time I finally reached someone from Emirates airlines, to change my flight to a later one was only $62, which was unheard of. Another lady did the same thing and paid $1000 to get her flight changed. We flew 26 hours together, which was a blessing and landed in South Africa to a whole new world!
Do You Believe?
Follow Bri’s Blog as she tells the truth about Business, Faith, and Family!
Work Your Faith Muscles
So much has happened in the last year, good and bad, but I promise I’ll be short. If you have been following me and my journey recently, you would have saw that my husband and I were afforded the awesome opportunity to be in South Africa for a little over a month from October- November 2021 as business advisors to African entrepreneurs.
When I tell you that this experience changed my life, it did! When I found out about the opportunity, it came in an email from Joseph Business School (JBS), which is where I completed a 9 month training in 2018 to start my first business Bri’s Dance Place. So, they will always have a special place in my heart. I applied on Thursday morning, and by Monday evening, I found out I was accepted to go and would be leaving that Friday! During this season, I was teaching dance at a middle school, coaching dance at a high school, as well as running the dance studio.
I knew it was a once in a lifetime experience. However, my husband, Paul was NOT in agreement. He thought it was a setup and didn’t feel comfortable with me going for that long, not to mention our oldest was only 2 years old about to turn 3, and our baby had just been born in May and was 5 months old. Paul made a comment like the only way you can go is if I can go too. I still believed God!
Little by little, things starting to fall in place. My friend and fellow dancer, Briana was able to take on my position at the school. My assistant coach Denise took over the Poms team at the high school, and I had coverage for teachers at the studio. The only thing left was to believe God that my husband could go as well. It was the day before I was set to leave, because I did have faith it was going to work out and I confirmed I was going, even before Paul officially said yes…. (Don’t be like me- It was my faith move LOL) And Paul was still NOT in agreement. I was hurt and angry, but I didn’t argue, I just said, “God let him be able to go!” But I did sleep in the bed upstairs and he was on the couch downstairs LOL!
By 12am, Melissa from JBS was calling exclaiming to me that Paul could go! I ran upstairs to tell him and he still said NO! I have a wedding to shoot in Detroit this Saturday……. Stay tuned for Part 2 Tomorrow!
Only Believe, Don’t Doubt!
Keep Bumpin’ Along
Happy Mother’s Day!
Man, those 9 months went by fast and Brayden E. Hairlson was born the day after Mother’s Day. Someone told me he was my Mother’s Day baby! This is my 2nd Mother’s Day without my mom. She would be so happy to see my sister has given birth to her first child and now, here come’s my 2nd child. Our immediate family has stayed closed even after her transition, and I know she would be proud of the way we have handled the many difficulties life has thrown our way: especially dealing with a pandemic, being full time entrepreneurs, experiencing political divides in our extended family, and even personal attacks from people she once helped while she was living. It’s definitely been a ride.
These are my top 5 business tips to keep you bumping along in May:
Build a strong support system of people who get you. Don’t get it twisted, I love and am very close to my dad, brother, sister and their families, but sometimes friends, the family you create in business, and even church family are more supportive, loving, and kind than actual people who may share your blood. Jesus even said, who are my brothers and sisters except that who do the work of the Lord.
Don’t let your today define your future. It took 9 months to bake this baby. What if I had given up at month 3, the baby would have been aborted. The same goes for your dreams. Don’t abort your baby!
It’s great to plan and prepare, but unless God builds the house, it’s done in vain. God knows everything, save yourself the headache and go to him first!
There will be bumps along the way, but just keep on bumping. In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world!
If your mother is still living, love on her, thank her, and be grateful for what she did do. You probably got your business savviness from her!
New Beginnings: Get Some Systems for Your Business & Spring Into Action
Back in February, I did a thing! In preparation for my son to be here, I needed better systems.
Back in February, I did a thing! In preparation for my son to be here, I needed better systems. So much was on me, because I only trusted me to sell and grow the business. But that wasn’t an effective method. Either I needed to train my current staff or bring in someone to do the job and invest in the growth of my business.
Well, I did. I hired a Virtual Assistant, and she is the bomb! I”m not going to leave her contact info, because I need her all to myself in the this season of growth and scaling.
As you spring into action, there are my top 5 tips to know when you need more help.
You are physically drained from the thing you once loved, hire someone to help you!
Your business is experiencing growth so fast, you don’t have the time to really invest in it
Home life is becoming chaotic because of the business
You feel like you are wearing too many hats as the CEO; hire someone who is better than you in other areas
You want to reclaim your time
Let that Ish Go: Everything that’s Not Serving You or Your Purpose
Happy International Women’s’ Day. I love this month! Not only is it my birthday, but we get Spring Break at the studio. Hopefully, the world is still open, so my husband Paul and I can take a Baby Moon before Baby Boy #2 gets here in May.
Nevertheless, it’s also Paul and my 31st birthday. His was March 2 and mine is March 27th. Things looked a lot different last year. I was planning my 30th birthday on my actual birthday which was also my book release party. Covid hit and the world stopped on March 17th (insert Beyonce World Stop)
Instead of being sad and depressed like I wanted to, I had a dance party in my kitchen with my son, Baby Paul. My husband ordered good ol takeout from Long Horn, and I rested. However, I told myself I would go sky diving before I got pregnant again. So on June 27th, my dad and I went sky diving. Here’s a picture of me before the jump.
I chose to go Sky Diving because I needed to let that ISH go. My mom had passed in December 2019, newly opened studio had grown to 75 students, then ended with 34 for our recital, I was juggling being at home as a wife and mom, which I love to be on the go, and just balancing faith for God’s protection vs. the fear that constantly being projected through media concerning the Corona Virus. My husband and my different views during this season. It was a lot of things that I just needed to let go. Here’s the list that I made before I jumped. And I thought about the list as I jumped, never to bring it up again!
Let that Ish Go!
Everything that doesn’t serve me
Feeling Unsupported
Being combative
not trusting people
not liking people
mad at Paul (my husband)
being extra critical
blaming others
having unrealistic expectations
thinking everything has to be perfect
doubting God
being scared
Bad attitude
Care what 1 person thinks
Not talking about the great things happening in my life on social media
Not exercising
Not drinking enough water
breast feeding
As you can see my list was exhaustive, but that’s what I needed, and I can definitely see the change from March 2020 to March 2021.
The only business tip for today is 1. Sometimes you need to just let that ish go!
Be Who God Called You To Be (Royalty)
First, let me start off by saying Happy Black History Month. Since I was a child, I loved this month because of all of the dope movies that we watched as a family.
First, let me start off by saying Happy Black History Month.
Since I was a child, I loved this month because of all of the dope movies that we watched as a family. Not to mention the whole series of Roots, but Rosewood, Selma Lord Selma, and the many classic biopics highlighting greatness in the African American community.
When I attended Howard University, I took a Black in the Arts course with Professor Nubia Kai Salaam and learned so much about our contributions in the arts, that it made me feel a deep sense of gratitude and honor to come from some great people.
What I realized was several of these musicians, dancers, and artists did not get where they were by being indebted to others’ mindsets of what they thought they should be.
These musicians, dancers, and artists did not get where they were by being indebted to others’ mindsets
Not only is it important to know who you are in your personal life, but in business you should know what your business represents.
What’s the culture of your company? How do you want people to feel when they leave the doors of your business. I know at Bri’s Dance Place, it’s inspiration, love, and kindness and I think we have done a pretty awesome job at creating that environment by letting every child know their worth and importance. From our daily confessions, to our staff prayer calls, the mission is the same and it reflects the heart of me as the owner.
That’s what I love about entrepreneurship! You can create what you want to see in your business, and sit back and be amazed at what it produces in the lives of others.
Yes, you are royalty! You should behave as such.
One thing my mom engrained in me is to know my worth and value. No, I don’t think I’m better than others, but yes, I am confident in the gifts that God has placed on the inside of me. No, I don’t deal with the mediocre (not in people) but in experiences, and I really believe in truth and justice. With that being said, people won’t always agree with your boundaries you set in life and business. And that’s fine!
I’ve literally had family members (aunts and cousins) to tell me to get off my high horse. I think that I’m better than them, and a whole bunch of other foolishness, simply because I choose to live my life a certain way. This has truly helped prepare me for so many levels, where you can’t worry about what anyone else thinks about you, especially in business.
Here are my top 5 business tips for February:
Establish early on who you are and who your business is, so that foundation is strong. When you start to grow and scale your business your foundation will be intact.
Kings don’t argue with peasants. They just say “Off with their head!” In the age of social media, protect your peace. The block button is your friend. Don’t allow other’s insecurities to shape the perception of who you are. As long as the people you hold dear to you understand, value, and see your heart, that’s all that matters. At the end of the day you’re performing for an audience of 1- God!
Don’t announce any major moves until they’re done. When you announce, and people start congratulating you, your mind is deceived to think you have accomplished something, when in fact, you have not!
Pray for wisdom in your personal life and business. God will direct you exactly to who you need.
Don’t get caught up in just doing business with people who look, think, or believe the same way as you. There is power in diversity. (Sad to say, but the worst employees and clients sometimes have been Bible believing Christians writing faith checks.)
Increase in the Midst of a Pandemic
It all begins with an idea.
So LinkedIn just reminded me, it was my 1 Year Work Anniversary of launching my 2nd business for Business Coaching, Speaking, & Grant Consulting. Entrepreneurship may look glamorous, but I have learned a lot in the 3 years of becoming a Full Time Entrepreneur with Bri's Dance Place LLC & Brianna Hairlson.
Many don't know if you're new to my page, but I was laid off at 3 months pregnant from IBM as a consultant making very good money, after turning down a position that required full time travel. It wasn't my choice to become a full time entrepreneur, I even tried to go back to Corporate America and got hired at BET's Chicago office when my son was only 4 months old.
But God told me “NO!” and to open my dance studio in the most screwed up time (in my former perspective). I did not have savings to open a dance studio and had other obligations that required 2 incomes. Literally, I signed the lease on September 4, 2019 and my mom had a stroke on September 17th.
While I was doing the build out on the dance studio, I was with my mom some days 12 hours at a time while she was in rehab, not to mention Baby Paul was only 1 year old, and my husband Paul was still working full time shift work in the mill. Then she passed on December 11, 2019 and my dance students still had a performance on December 23rd. But God definitely gave me grace and I experienced joy through that season.
COVID came and my growing dance studio of 75 students dropped to 34! But God came through with grants, favor, and the art of the pivot!
So fast forward to the end of 2020 during COVID, my grant consulting business made more in 1 month of operation than the dance studio did when it opened! God knew I had to open my studio for it to be open and thrive during a pandemic and to receive over $50,000 in grants, services, and fellowships.
Follow my journey of applying for and RECEIVING over $50,000 in grants in 2020! This is my very first grant application video.
You can watch video updates throughout the grant application and award process on my Vlog!
These are the top 7 things I have learned as an Entrepreneur.
Listen to the Voice of God even if it makes NO SENSE.
How you serve others prior to opening your business is indicative of the success of your business. (Sow where you want to go) I volunteered dance for 7 years before opening my studio
Developing GREAT communication skills and systems are important so your business can run without you being there.
Bartering with other service providers will definitely save you money.
Don't despise any of the things that God has given you, because it will come in handy for your business (For example, I'm very direct, but that is needed for clarity and execution in my business)
NEVER compare your business to anyone else's. Everyone's purpose is different. God did not call you to compete, but to DOMINATE and there is food for everyone to eat!
God can accelerate your business in less time and with less effort.
If you made it all the way to the end of this update, Congrats!!
I want to help you find growth and success in your business. If you’re ready to take the next step in your entrepreneurship journey, here's a link to book your 1 on 1 coaching session to start or grow your business.
If you need to learn how to find and apply for grants, here are the Replays of my Grant Sessions to purchase!